December, 2018 RSS Icon
Found 3 entries for December, 2018.

House for Sale

Everyone needs a house. Getting a dream house is one of the biggest achievements anyone can have in their life. Owning a house always brings security to your future. Due to the fast-rising property and mortgage rates, it is difficult to own a home. It is not possible for everyone to own a house hence renting a house is the only option left. According to 2018 Canadian Rental Housing Index Backgrounder, $1,279 is the average rent of Alberta province with 32% of rental houses in the country. Renting a home can be a permanent or temporary decision depending mainly on the financial situation and other circumstances. Well, both the options have some pros and cons. One has to consider a lot of things before buying a new home or rent a house. Lets us get…

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Calgary Homes

So, it is that stage of your life where you have ample savings accumulated in your bank account, and you have made up your mind to buy a new home for yourself. But, being a first timer, the thought is exciting yet daunting. The aspiration is to end up in a house we love at a cost we can afford. Many people do things that prevent them from reaching this goal. Alarm yourself with these tips to get the most out of your first ever real purchase. Prevent from making these costly mistakes that could put a hold on that nameplate.

Not Knowing Your Affordability

Without knowing your affordability when buying a new house, you might waste time and a lot of money unnecessarily. You could end up looking at houses that you can't afford yet or visiting homes…

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